Do you want to get involved in Lund's student life but don't know what options are available? Here you will find information on where you can get involved!

Getting involved in the guild means that you are active together with others studying architecture and industrial design. The guild is located at the school and arranges events, bars, sittning and the Nollning. The study councils and the labor market fair are also managed through the guild's activities. The guild is part of the Student Union (Teknologkåren) and to be active in the guild and participate in events you need to be a member of TLTH.
Unlike the rest of Lund University, union membership is not included in Studentlund, but is separate through the Tekonolgkåren.
Student Union, Teknologkåren
The Union is LTH's central organization that brings all the guilds together and is responsible for joint activities within education, business and leisure. You can get involved in the union in several different ways. As a full-time employee, you work and have a study break. In the Kårstyrelsen and the General Council, people are involved in making decisions about the Kårs' activities. The union also has committees in which you can be a committee chairman or functionary.
The Lunda Carnival
Every four years something special happens in Lund, the Lunda Carnival is organized by thousands of student volunteers. The Lunda Carnival is an old tradition that dates back to 1849. The easiest way to get involved in the carnival is to be there when the guild puts together a group that applies together. Further in advance, you can also take the opportunity to apply for positions of responsibility within the carnival.
The next Lunda Carnival will be arranged in 2026!
Membership in Studentlund gives you access to everything from cheap housing to good food, fun nightclubs, interesting lectures, exciting media, guaranteed education coverage, entertaining stage sets, a large student influence within the university, the municipality and the region, as well as lots of scholarships and student discounts.

Getting involved in the guild means that you are active together with others studying architecture and industrial design. The guild is located at the school and arranges events, bars, sittning and the Nollning. The study councils and the labor market fair are also managed through the guild's activities. The guild is part of the Student Union (Teknologkåren) and to be active in the guild and participate in events you need to be a member of TLTH.
Unlike the rest of Lund University, union membership is not included in Studentlund, but is separate through the Tekonolgkåren.
Student Union, Teknologkåren
The Union is LTH's central organization that brings all the guilds together and is responsible for joint activities within education, business and leisure. You can get involved in the union in several different ways. As a full-time employee, you work and have a study break. In the Kårstyrelsen and the General Council, people are involved in making decisions about the Kårs' activities. The union also has committees in which you can be a committee chairman or functionary.
The Lunda Carnival
Every four years something special happens in Lund, the Lunda Carnival is organized by thousands of student volunteers. The Lunda Carnival is an old tradition that dates back to 1849. The easiest way to get involved in the carnival is to be there when the guild puts together a group that applies together. Further in advance, you can also take the opportunity to apply for positions of responsibility within the carnival.
The next Lunda Carnival will be arranged in 2026!
Membership in Studentlund gives you access to everything from cheap housing to good food, fun nightclubs, interesting lectures, exciting media, guaranteed education coverage, entertaining stage sets, a large student influence within the university, the municipality and the region, as well as lots of scholarships and student discounts.