Specific requirements for each medal can be found in the policy-document for the guilds medals and insignia.

The volunteermedals are handed out to our active volunteers after one, two and three active years and is a traditional way of thanking our members. To the left is the first degree medal, which you get after three mandate periods. In the middle is the second degree medal which you get after two mandate periods. To the right is the third degree medal which you get after one mandate period.

The A-guild’s medal of honour is the highest award and given to those who have had a post of significant responsibilities and acted excellent in that role. Those who are awarded have left a lasting impression on the guild for years to come!

The board-medal is awarded to former board members after their finished mandate period and has been awarded since 2019.

Skalmans Aspirant is a way of showing appreciation for those who have gone above and beyond for the guild. The recipient has shown excellent guild spirit and contributed with great ambition and has been awarded since 2020.
CeremU are responsible for design and the sales of these patches. Every year the demand is considered and updated after needs. The patches are primarily sold during the first introductory month, also known as the “nollning”. They are also sold during some other events throughout the year. Look out for the next opportunity to get hold of your favorite patch!

Patch Archive
These are patches that the Ceremony Committee has made through the years.
No-oh, No-oh. I do not think so

The Nobel Sitting

Crawfish in Can

Please tell us what this is supposed to be, we don't know

Old CeremU-patch

Architecture LTH


LTH Architecture and Industrial Design

New CeremU-patch