Lucet Sicut Sol



A sitting is a student's dinner with organized singing that is taken in a suitable place, usually the union hall, a nation or the guild. During the sitting, a minimum of three dishes are typically served, and alcohol is usually included (beer, wine, schnapps and punch). In addition to food and drink, the clothing can also vary at different sittings.


A slasque is a simpler sitting with less remarkable food where the emphasis is on the after-dinner slab (dance). The dressing of a slasque is often guild clothing. At a slasque, it's okay to sing and toast freely.


The most common type of sitting, often without a dress code, alternatively with the dress code business casual/suit/theme clothing, this will be specified in the invite/ticket information. The food and etiquette can vary between different sittings, often following the dress code. There is usually no table placement at this kind of sitting. The nations have sittings every week, and the guild a few times a year, most in connection to the Nollning. There are often joint sittings with other guilds as well.


A type of sitting where you wear nicer clothes (of the blazer or dark suit type), eating banquette (finer dinner) and drinking preferably a finer wine. A gasquebanquette is consequently a more elegant, longer, and nicer dinner. During a gasque, people sit according to table placement and the singing and speeches are led by song masters and/or toast masters.


The finest kind of sitting. At a ball, festive attire is always worn and food and drink of the highest quality are served. At ball sittings, guests are expected to follow even the most feudal rules of etiquette. At the initiative of the song master, songs from the songbook are sung between meals. Since sheet music exists, song books are redundant and should not be brought to a ball. The sitting is generally followed by a waltz.

Dress Code

Theme Clothing

At a theme sitting, you dress up according to a given theme, either the theme announced, or during the Nollning according to your phadder group theme. Sittings and parties with themed clothing are extremely common in Studentlund.

Guild Clothing and Ouveralle

When the dress code is guild clothing or overalls, the A-blazer applies for the A-guild. If you want, you can also wear the Ouveralle together with the blazer.

Smart Casual/Business Casual

Generally a dress code that includes clothing you feel comfortable and nice in. Not as strict as other dress codes but a bit more dressed up than everyday clothing. Examples of what can be worn are a dress, skirt, trouser suit, suit - which is slightly lighter, or odd trousers of finer quality and a non-matching blazer. Imagine celebrating grandma in a restaurant. The smart casual/business casual is used at finer events, but is the most relaxed of the dress codes, after guild clothing. It is a good opportunity to explore and be a little creative.


Most often, the dress code means a full suit, which can be slightly lighter. The clothing includes a light shirt and tie or bow tie. It can also, according to the older version of the suit dress code, mean Dark suit (see next paragraph). Alternatively, you can wear a dress, skirt or trouser suit that is more elegant than normal everyday clothing, but not evening dress. Skirt or dress must not be floor-length.

Dark suit

Meaning a suit that is dark blue, dark gray or black. This includes a white shirt and a tie or bow tie in any color (except black or white, but preferably patterned). Also means festive dress, skirt or trouser suit, the length of the skirt must not be floor length, nor shorter than the knees. 

Black tie/smoking

The black tie dress code is more formal than a regular suit and often means tuxedo/long dress (but not floor length). The tuxedo should be with a black or dark blue tuxedo jacket with silk lapels, trousers with silk lapels and white shirt, black bow tie and black patent leather shoes. White blazer is only worn during the summer months and if explicitly written on the invitation. Dresses should be between knee and floor lenght, but not to the floor or as fancy as formal wear. With the tuxedo dress code, gloves are not used.

White tie/tailcoat

The dress code requires full dress meaning tailcoat and ball gown. Tailcoat: black or dark blue jacket, trousers with silk lapels, white coat shirt with reinforced chest, white waistcoat, white bow tie, black patent leather shoes. Black bow ties are worn only by serving staff. Ball gown: long, elegant, ankle- or floor-length dress, preferably with gloves and the finest jewelry. Alternatives: You can also wear local or folk costume, alternatively the traditional Swedish costume. Priests can wear official dress and military large mass dress. Order regalia can be worn with this dress code, for those who possess them. Order regalia (medals) are awarded to active members from nations, the union and guilds, see more further down. If the invitation says academic dress, you must wear a black waistcoat or a black ball gown, this is, however, not common at the guild.

Ribbons and insignia

The guild’s ribbon (Ordensband) may be worn by all guild members for ceremonial dress. For suit/coat, the ribbon must be worn inside the coat vest, and for a dress there are two options. The first is a bow that was attached to the chest of the dress, over the heart. The second option means that the ribbon runs diagonally from the right shoulder to the left hip (an écharpe). Functionarie medals can be attached to the ribbon/suit and be worn as festive attire. At special events, such as graduation ceremonies, only the three highest medals may be worn. Certain post holders may also wear a neck badge and then specific rules apply. 


Before Meal

Before the banquet/meal a welcome drink/aperitif and/or a simple snack is served. These are taken standing up. During the welcome drink, you as a guest are supposed to mingle around and talk to the other guests and take the opportunity to look at the table placement, so you know where to sit.

During Meal

At the Sexmäster's or song master's/toastmaster's signal, people take their seats at the tables. For finer seating, you have one table friend and this is marked with, for example, a song sheet or an icon. Table friends should look out for each other and converse during dinner.

Sit straight and eat at a leisurely pace, remember it's not a competition to see who eats first. The small plate and napkins on the left is yours. Lay preferably the napkin in your lap to avoid spillage. Nothing should be on the table, neither purse, elbow nor food. At sittings where the songbook is allowed this one is an exception. 

The glasses are used in order from right to left. Small wine glasses are intended for white wine and larger ones for red wine. If there is more than a couple of cutlery, use them from the outside in.

Toasts and Speech Procedure

At the A guild's sittings, singing and spex are usually led by Sexmästeriet's Sångisar (toastmasters). If you want to spex at a sitting, you can get in touch with them before the sitting. The singers also help keeping the tempo and melody in the songs. Wait with the drinks until the welcome toast or welcome speech has been given. Toasting takes place after announcement of the sångis/toastmaster/speakers or at your own discretion with the table friend. If you think there is too little singing, you prove it by loudly shouting: Oooohhh... TEMPO!!, whereupon the sångis/toastmaster takes tone in some new song. Observe that you should not do this during finer sittings! It is often said at the beginning of the sittings what is permitted.

Toasts are made in such a way that after the song/speech you raise the glass discreetly, turn towards the table friend, watching them in the eyes, and says "cheers" or “skål”, turns to the neighbor on his other side, looks them in the eyes, and says "cheers" or “skål”, and finally the neighbor opposite, looks them in the eyes, and says "cheers" or “skål”. Then you drink. The toast is finished by carrying out the same procedure backwards, i.e. mark the toast with the neighbor opposite, mark the toast with the neighbor on your other side, and finally mark the toast with the table friend.

When someone clinks the glass, performs or gives a speech, the guests must be quiet! When the singer/toastmaster calls attention, you have three words to end the conversation. During speeches, performances and songs, one must not eat or drink. When someone speaks, the cutlery should be on the plate. It takes a long time before you eat it, and it should! Remember - a sitting without cold food is not a real sitting!

When someone has spexat you sing the first half of "Trulas tacksång" to show one's appreciation for the performance. Then you toast. Hopefully you will then see an encore. After the extra number you sing the second half of the song. 

If someone holds a speech, you also sing the first half of "Trulas tacksång" and then the speaker chooses a song from the songbook as an "extra number". After the song you sing the second half of "Trulas tacksång".


Food is served from the left while drinks and soups are served from the right. Cutlery, plates and glasses must be laid out between the different dishes, the exception being the wine glass which remains throughout the Banquet.

Table Gift

On finer seats you can change table gifts. This is a nice tradition that can act as an icebreaker if you don't know your table mate very well. The gift should not be too expensive, a maximum of 50 SEK is a good benchmark. It is often fun to receive a gift that you can use during the sitting, but please note that you are not allowed to bring food or drink into the venue! The gift could be exchanged with the table mate, but if that is not marked you can exchange it in a circle around the table.