The role of the board
The board has the overall responsibility for the guild’s operations and is the guild’s highest executive body, which ensures that the decisions made at board and guild meetings are implemented.
The board are also the ones who represent the guild in front of LTH’s institutions and the Teknologkår, as well as in front of the other guilds at TLTH.
The board consists of the presidium and all the heads of committees. The presidium is the group that leads the work with the board. It consists of the President at the Guild, Vice-president at the Guild, Secretary and Treasurer. The committees have different orientations and are responsible for different types of events within the guild. The committees consist of a Head of committee and other volunteers.
When it comes to bigger questions, the guild’s members make the decisions together. This is done through the guild meetings, held at least once per semester. The board meets at least once a week, usually over lunch. All the guild members are welcome to attend the board meetings, just let us know in advance if you plan to come.