The A-guild wants nothing more than for our members to feel good. But if that’s not the case, we are always here for you. Below you can find information and links to different places you can get help within Lunds University.
You are always welcome to contact the A-guilds equality representative via mail at:
Would you like to get in touch but you prefer to be anonymous? Then fill out the contact form on the:
The LTH:s counselors are sociolgists with further education in KBT and are there for you that are a student at LTH. If you find yourself in a situation where you are in need of support you can contact them, and it doesn’t have to be related to your studies. The appointments with them are without cost and they are bound to secrecy.
LTH:s counselor for the A-guild:
Ulla Bergman
046-222 37 14
Student Health Centre
The Student Health Centre are focused on problems concerning student life. You can contact them if you for example have problems with procrastination, anxiety over your studies, drinking- and gambling problems, stress or if you have trouble sleeping.
For more info:
Studenthälsan på
046–222 43 77
LTH career and student counsellor
For general study related questions:
For questions regarding the educations in architecture or industrial design:
Petra Parmivi
046 222 30 90
Student Chaplains
The Student Chaplains are there for you if you need to talk to someone one on one. It could be about religion, relationships, questions about life and so on. You can also get help in how to handle a crisis or grief.
For more info:
Discrimination, harassments and victimisation
Lund University, LTH and the A-guild have a zero-tolerance against discrimination, harassments and victimisation. If you feel like you have been discriminated, harassed or victimised you have the right to get support as soon as possible. You decide if and how you want to handle the matter.
If you want to make a report you get all the help you need by the LIKA-group. All matters are treated confidentially. The University, employees of the university or students can not subject you to any negative actions if you have made a report. Even if you don’t want to make a report it can often feel better if you talk to someone, for example the counsellors.
The LIKA-group:
LTH coordinator regarding working environment and equal treatment:
Bodil Ryderheim
046-222 89 23
Security at Lunds university
Behöver du komma i kontakt med väktare eller universitetets beredskapsperson, ring:
(available any time of the day)